Ryan's Roses June 3, 2024 Alyssa and Tyler

Описание к видео Ryan's Roses June 3, 2024 Alyssa and Tyler

June 3, 2024 Ryan’s Roses - Alyssa and Tyler- Tale of Two Toothbrushes.

Alyssa and Tyler are married but living apart. 120 miles apart. Alyssa lives and works in Palmdale while Tyler lives and works in San Clemente. He comes home on the weekend. But during the week, he rents an apartment and works in San Clemente. This living situation has been going on for three years. Alyssa has been noticing tell tale signs that Tyler may be cheating… two toothbrushes and a package addressed to “Isabelle” at the same address. Tyler also has a history of cheating on her in the past. These factors now worry Alyssa. Find out in this episode of Ryan’s Roses.


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