The 7 Days To Die Alpha 21 Scam

Описание к видео The 7 Days To Die Alpha 21 Scam

The Fun Pimps, developers of 7 Days To Die have just released Alpha 21 to streamers, and this game is all over Youtube at the moment. A free update for PC users, they plan on charging console users for the same upgrade. Console users who have been neglected for 7 years, now have to pay again!

The 7 year old version is being sold today for $29.99 with out so much as a warning that you won't get any updates and this product has been abandoned!

I am calling this a scam! This is not what Early Access is all about! We buy in to early access games in order to fund the development of a game under the understanding of receiving the full final release when it's finished!

Watch the full interview on GNS here:    • EXCLUSIVE Developer Interview: Change...  

Footage included in this video from these creators:

#scam #scammer #7daystodie


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