Why it's once again time to redefine violence | James Bernard Pratt ,Jr. | TEDxNashville

Описание к видео Why it's once again time to redefine violence | James Bernard Pratt ,Jr. | TEDxNashville

In this talk we unravel the hidden dimensions of violence that shape our lives in ways we often overlook. Far beyond physical harm, violence manifests in insidious ways, impacting our communities, identities, and aspirations. This talk challenges you to rethink what violence truly means and empowers you to recognize and combat its invisible effects, sparking a vital conversation across generations and disciplines. Dr. James Bernard Pratt, Jr., a pioneering criminologist from Albany, Ga., is transforming perspectives on justice, human rights, and violence. A graduate of Morehouse College, Dr. Pratt earned his PhD in Criminology, Law and Society from UC Irvine where he explored violence, culture, and legal dynamics in the Southern Black Belt. Now an Associate Professor at Fisk University, he leads the Justice Propulsion Lab, empowering students to confront critical issues in justice and violence through research, education, and transformative partnerships. Guided by a commitment to love, compassion, and mutual understanding, he inspires communities and future leaders to build resilient societies. Dr. Pratt’s insights have been shared on NPR, WFSK, and at institutions including Harvard and Morehouse College. Recently honored with the Post Liberatum, Pax award from the Kelly Miller Smith Foundation, he continues to shape national dialogues hoping to leave of legacy visionary leadership and collective transformation. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx


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