Legal Interpretations

Описание к видео Legal Interpretations

We all love the FARs, right? Those regulations are written and maintained by a large team of FAA lawyers who work for the FAA Office of Chief Counsel. If you have a question about the meaning of a particular rule, you can request a "legal interpretation" and usually the responsible FAA attorney will draft one for you. More than 1,000 of these legal interpretations can be found online. Some are quite surprising and counterintuitive, and some significantly alter what most of us thought the regulations mean. In this webinar, Mike Busch A&P/IA reviews some of the most interesting, surprising and significant ones that pertain to aircraft maintenance. Savvy Aviation offers Professional Maintenance Services to owners of General Aviation aircraft, such as: SavvyMx (Professional Maintenance Management), SavvyQA (Expert Consulting), SavvyPrebuy, SavvyAnalysis (Engine Data Analysis) and Breakdown Assistance. Savvy also publishes a monthly newsletter with lots of interesting information for the general aviation enthusiast; subscribe to it at or text the word "Savvy" to 33777. This webinar was hosted by the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA).


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