Crossfit Legend Mat Fraser on Why Sleep Is Important - One Week Challenge

Описание к видео Crossfit Legend Mat Fraser on Why Sleep Is Important - One Week Challenge

Mat Fraser is the most dominant CrossFit Athlete in the history of the Games. This mechanical engineering grad took a highly meticulous approach to training that resulted in an unbelievable record of five consecutive CrossFit Games Titles from 2016-2020.

Known for his mantra “Hard Work Pays Off”, Mat now offers his highly sought after training knowledge in a book, HWPO: Hard Work Pays Off, which includes not only training & nutrition tips, but reflections on his life and fitness career. Mat has also created the HWPO Training app, a customizable training program meant to take the user as far in achieving their fitness level goals as they are willing to work to get there.

You can learn more about Mat and the various organizations he supports by following him on Instagram @mathewfras.

One Week Challenge is presented by the tactical and fitness apparel brand Ten Thousand. Ten Thousand makes the highest quality, best-fitting, and most comfortable training shorts in the game.

Ten Thousand is offering One Week Challenge listeners 15% off their purchase. Go to for 15% off.


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