TOLOK VS EGONU, top scorers in Novara - Milano | Lega Volley Femminile 2024/25

Описание к видео TOLOK VS EGONU, top scorers in Novara - Milano | Lega Volley Femminile 2024/25

🏐 TATIANA TOLOK and PAOLA EGONU, top scorers of 2025 first big match between Novara and Milano @ Pala Igor (5th Jan, 2025)

IGOR GORGONZOLA NOVARA - NUMIA VERO VOLLEY MILANO 3-2 (19-25 25-14 25-23 23-25 15-12)
Tatiana Tolok: 26 pts, 1 block, 1 ace
Paola Egonu: 28 pts, 4 blocks, 2 ace

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