How I get so much stuff done.

Описание к видео How I get so much stuff done.

"Carpe Diem": Seize the Day. We all know this phrase but we don't all do it. If we DID, it would only help us, we probably all know that. And for those of us who try our best to seize the day but still find great swaths of time slipping through our fingers with nothing to show for it but a new show in our Netflix queue and one less Hot Pocket in the freezer, Bobby has got a tip for you. SIX tips, actually, that he uses personally to manage the 1,001 things he has to do every day and keep himself efficient, on track, and still doing good work. Try them for just a week and see if they help you!

How I get so much stuff done
1. Be aware of time spent in between tasks
2. Know your tasks for tomorrow
3. Learn things to help productivity
4. Only concern yourself with things you can affect
5. Be aware of how you're spending your time
6. Only check things that need to be checked

7 Books that helped me organize and get more productive
1. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
2. Getting Things Done
3. Scrum
4. The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up
5. Eat That Frog
6. The 4-Hour Workweek
7. First Things First


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