Anahid- Mother Goddess

Описание к видео Anahid- Mother Goddess

Anahid is the mother goddess in Armenian mythology. Wise and kindhearted, she is beautiful inside and out. Anahid is also the goddess of water, healing and fertility. Among all the deities in Armenian mythology, Anahid is loved above all others. The ancient Armenians called her "Voskemayr" meaning Golden mother.

This episode was more personal for me. I started working on the concept art for Anahid back in 2016, for an Armenian Mythology book. After 5 years, I'm very pleased to present some of those illustrations. The Armenian Mythology book is still in the works, to be released sometime on a future date.

Over 40 illustrations were made for this episode. With character design & concept art sketches. All done in pen & Ink, Acrylic paint and Photoshop mixed media.

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As always Thank you & Enjoy!

PS: When you watch this episode, notice all the pomegranate symbols. There is a reason for that. You can find the answer at GP Vahan Channel (Ep. 5 Ud & Pomegranate)
Click the link Bellow.
   • GP Vahan Ep.5  Ud and Pomegranate  

Greg P Vahan - Illustrations/Production
Palindrome Press- Script Writing/Editing
Duduk - Music-The Trail of Tears
Duduk - Music- Harasnek
Jesse Gallagher - Music-The Blue Pearl

GP Vahan Art Prints

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