Who are potential responsible parties in a New York trip and fall case?

Описание к видео Who are potential responsible parties in a New York trip and fall case?

Who are potential responsible parties in a New York trip and fall case? | Tomkiel & Tomkiel | Stanley Tomkiel | http://tomkiel.com/

White Plains
925 Westchester Avenue, Suite 115
White Plains, NY 10604

984 N. Broadway, Suite 303
Yonkers, New York 10701
(914) 723-1700

Well, the first party that you would look at would be the property owner, because they have the duty to maintain the premises in a reasonably safe condition. If it's on a public sidewalk you would look to the adjacent building, or possibly to the city of New York if there are no commercial buildings nearby. You'd also want to know how did the defective condition arise. Was a contractor doing some work and broke something? Broke a stair, or a sidewalk flag, or was there a snow removal operation that actually made things worse? Sometimes that happens. So, if there's a contractor involved with the work, someone who created the dangerous condition. The building owner, the municipality, the agents for the building owner who are operating the property. These are the people that may have potential liability for the defective condition.


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