O Praise The Name 噢讚美祢 | Saddleback Worship (Hong Kong) | Live Capture 現場敬拜片段 | 敬拜歌曲粵語翻譯

Описание к видео O Praise The Name 噢讚美祢 | Saddleback Worship (Hong Kong) | Live Capture 現場敬拜片段 | 敬拜歌曲粵語翻譯

O Praise The Name

Performed by: Saddleback Worship (Hong Kong)

凝視兩手 刺穿淌血

看那肋旁 祂身祂手
耶穌甘心 懸掛木頭
I cast my mind to Calvary
Where Jesus bled and died for me

I see His wounds, His hands, His feet
My Savior on that cursed tree

流盡了血 淌乾了淚
墳墓裡躺 冷冰安葬

看那石頭 封堵出口
耶穌孤單 暗黑安躺
His body bound and drenched in tears
They laid Him down in Joseph’s tomb
The entrance sealed by heavy stone
Messiah still and all alone

噢 讚美祢 神是我的主
要到永遠 不息讚美

要讚美祢 名字配高舉
O praise the name of the Lord our God
O praise His name forevermore
For endless days
We will sing Your praise
Oh Lord Oh Lord our God

沉默三天 破曉清早
墳墓已空 放聲宣告

全成就了 祢已復活
基督作王 向死誇勝
Then on the third at break of dawn
The Son of Heaven rose again
O trampled death, where is your sting?
The angels roar for Christ the King

期待一天 祢將再現
如日放光 暗黑不見

與眾聖徒 一起復活
目光專注 祢的面容
He shall return in robes of white
The blazing sun shall pierce the night

And I will rise among the saints
My gaze transfixed on Jesus’ face

O Praise The Name (Anastasis)
By: Benjamin Hastings, Dean Ussher and Marty Sampson
© 2015 Hillsong Music Publishing (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing)

中文譯詞:黃國章 Alex Wong、林嘉文 Gavin Lam


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