Officer reunites with boy he rescued

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It was a hot day in July of 2011 when a one-year-old child nearly drowned.

On Wednesday, he met the man who saved his life.

Detective Walter Sweeney was on his way home to his own one-year-old daughter 12 years ago.

When a call went out about a child who fell in a pool in Severn right off the road he was driving on.

He rushed to the house, jumped their fence, ran past their barking dog. and darted inside where the one-year-old sat nearly lifeless in his mother's arms.

"He was blue, his lips were blue, his fingers were blue, and I gave him a couple smacks on the back and before I even started CPR I did some chest compression's before I could do mouth-to-mouth he started spitting up water and color started coming back," Sweeney said.



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