new piano bringup with yet another random music

Описание к видео new piano bringup with yet another random music

Process of bringing up new boards. No design changes. Different manufacturer. Previously I hand soldered all boards. This is the first try of PCBs with most components pre-installed.

The music in this video is me playing the piano using these new boards. Recorded after finish getting the boards and piano working. Wrote a mellow piece to go along with testing and debugging!

0:00 - Circuit boards arrive
0:11 - Top view of the circuit boards
0:15 - Solder Teensy pins (if did not come with pins already soldered)
0:25 - Cut Teensy 5V pad
0:38 - (optional) - Solder test points
0:41 - (optional) - Solder pedal jacks
0:46 - (optional) - Solder LCD connectors
0:51 - (optional) - Solder Teensy Ethernet connectors
1:03 - Check board with Ohmmeter
1:06 - Power up board and check with Voltmeter
1:18 - Download firmware
1:40 - Connect a single sensor and view response with Teensy serial monitor
1:49 - Connect MIDI and test the single sensor for sound
2:01 - (optional) - Connect pedal jacks to analog inputs
2:08 - Connect circuit boards to a grand piano action
2:29 - (optional) - LCD installation
2:33 - Finished result

More details about the piano:

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GitHub organization with documentation and links in documentation to original repository above:

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- Try the GitHub issues at
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- Or, the piano community at one of:

- Or, for Teensy technical questions


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