Realize the meaning of revelations - Understanding Scripture

Описание к видео Realize the meaning of revelations - Understanding Scripture

#understandingscripture #biblestudyjournal #gospelmessages

A short message about realizing how God speaks to us.


Scriptures for this episode:
Proverbs 29:18
Where there is no revelation, people cast off restraint; but blessed is the one who heeds wisdom’s instruction.

Ephesians 1:17
I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit f of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.

Ecclesiastes 3:15
Whatever is has already been, and what will be has been before; and God will call the past to account.


God always fulfills for us ‘things that go well’ in the same ways He did in the past. Depending on each incident, He fulfills them for us slightly differently in amazing ways according to the determined will.

God will immediately grant certain things. However, in most cases, because they must be fulfilled while solving a problem of the counterpart, a lot of time is sometimes needed.

Just as the sun rises only if the earth spins, God created all things in heaven and earth to run according to rational principles.

If God was doing it by Himself, He would do it while transcending time and space. However, since human beings live bound by time, time is needed.

There are many cases in which you achieve certain things by putting in the hard work yourself even if God doesn’t do it for you.

Even for 'someone who doesn’t believe in God', if it is a work they should do, it will work if they do it. Even for 'someone who believes in God', it will work out if they do what they should do and not work out if they don’t do it.
You must know, however, that for 'someone who takes action while believing in God', the most important problem, which is ‘the problem of the spirit,’ will be solved.

Even when God blessed you in the past, He never instantly put a gold nugget in your hands.
Big things take a long time.

When you look at the Bible, even if it was God's history, it was fulfilled with difficulty because all of them had to be done through ‘people.’

That is why those who do not believe in God live thinking that they were fulfilled through their hard work because they came true through them working hard.

For those who live believing, God works with them even more, lets them receive salvation, and lets their spirits prosper.
God helps people with the basic things even if they don’t believe in God as they live.
This is God's law and not just because we feel that way in our hearts.

People who don’t believe in God and don’t believe in the Lord think everything is a coincidence or think things will happen if they take action.
If that is the case, did everything turn out the way they wanted?
Can they fulfill salvation on their own too?

What was shown to you in a revelation was shown to you especially so that you will realize.

Dreams are revelations. You must interpret them with wisdom. Don’t just receive the lesson but realize and fix it. It is to take action.

Learn everything about revelations, realize, know, and take action.

Depending on the level of your heart and spirit, if you always pray and pay attention, God will make you realize by showing you ‘creation.’
You will also realize and see according to your actions.

God also makes you realize by showing you revelations through visions or visions in a trance. Especially Daniel saw many visions in a trance.

The Bible is ‘the Word of special revelation.’ When you read it, you will realize the Word appropriately according to your level and the Holy Spirit will also let you realize.

The Bible also said that ‘You will gain much if you do much, and you will gain little if you do little.’

If you want to gain a lot, don’t be lazy.
Follow the will in the Lord, learn a lot, and work hard.

If you want to live with big hope, then take big actions. Even if something is predestined, it will be fulfilled only if you take action.
If you gain it by taking action, your body will use it for a lifetime and your spirit and soul will use it forever.

Don’t envy or be jealous of those who do a lot and gain a lot.
Instead, work hard and make an effort so you will gain too.

God has already prepared everything and done what He needed to do.
God did not create this world in order to fulfill people’s thoughts and will.

The people who prepared perfectly during the time of comfort before war and tribulation come in preparation for a spiritual war of faith against Satan and evil, will win and be comfortable on the day of war.


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Let's have some spiritual talks about life!

Until next time.


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