अगर ये तोते पाले तों हो जाएगी ज़िन्दगीभर की जेल // wildlife protection act 1972 in Hindi

Описание к видео अगर ये तोते पाले तों हो जाएगी ज़िन्दगीभर की जेल // wildlife protection act 1972 in Hindi

अगर ये तोते पाले तों हो जाएगी ज़िन्दगीभर की जेल // wildlife protection act 1972

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Non copyright Music :- Music: Heart and Soul
Musician: BDKSonic

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WhatsApp Par Aa Jao:- https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029Va9X...

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In India, parrots native to the country are illegal to keep as pets. This has been the case since 2003, when India enacted the Wildlife Protection Act of 1972 to prevent the exploitation of animals. However, exotic or foreign parrots from other countries are allowed for adoption. Here are some key points:

Owning Parrots in India:
Illegal: Any parrot species native to India cannot be caged and kept as a pet.
Legal: You can adopt exotic or foreign parrots legally.
Tips for Parrot Owners:
Provide ample room for your parrot to move around.
Ensure a healthy diet and plenty of toys.
Maintain cleanliness due to their messy nature1.
Breeding Parrots in India:
Breeding native species requires a license and proper paperwork.
Breeding is more common for foreign parrots.
Some breed Indian parrots to help with population levels, but this is rare1.
Remember, while parrots add joy to our lives, it’s essential to follow legal guidelines and care for them responsibly. 🦜🌿

which parrots ban in india??

The government of India has banned the ownership of certain animals, including: ·Birds like the Rose Ringed Parakeet, Alexandrine Parakeet, Red Munia, Jungle Maina, African Grey Parrot, Blue-throated Macaw, and Yellow-crested Cockatoo.


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