Balancing the Outer World with Internal Parts in DID/OSDD

Описание к видео Balancing the Outer World with Internal Parts in DID/OSDD

In this video from The CTAD Clinic, Dr Mike Lloyd (Clinic Director) discusses how there is a need to balance the demands of the 'Outer World' (friends, family, work, education, activities etc) with the 'Inner World' (the parts, alters/system) in Other Specified Dissociative Disorder (OSDD) or Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). Mike looks at why this can be difficult, how unique this balance is, and approaches to working to achieve harmony. Mike also introduces two new clinic kittens, who decided to show up during filming. These are techniques recommended within therapy settings. #otherspecifieddissociativedisorder #osdd #dissociativeidentitydisorder #did #therapy


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