Welcome to our channel. Subscribe, like and tell us in the comments what else you want us to create a video about. We are Jen and Elke Clarke, a mother daughter team of Zazzle designers turned Million Dollar Zazzle Expansion Experts, who coach and mentor our clients to reach consistent multiple 7-figures a year in sales on the Print on Demand site, Zazzle.
We have sold over $15 million dollars worth of Zazzle products and helped our Zazzle coaching clients sell over $80+ million. So far we have helped 35 of our clients sell 1 million or multiple millions on Zazzle.
If you want to sell on Zazzle, then welcome to our community.
Elke here. As a stay at home mom (SAHM), I wanted an online business where I didn’t need to make weird videos online and jump on the next trend of MRR (Master Resell Rights) or affiliate marketing only to have it fade away because it’s over-saturated and my income tank with it..
Zazzle gave me the freedom to build a business on my own that I can be proud of. It gave me the income I wanted (consistent 6-figures) with the flexibility to work when I wanted, stay home with my kids, and take time, even months, off.
Jen here. The earnings from my Zazzle store gave me the money, time and location freedom to travel and live in places like Mallorca, Spain, for years without having to find work in each country.
Zazzle is a print on demand platform that's different from the rest. We like to say it’s like a POD Business in BOX. It’s an online platform that gives you a place to set up stores to sell your products, sources products to sell and deals with suppliers for you, does the product fulfillment, customer service, driving traffic, and more.
That’s why we have been able to sell millions easily, with just a laptop and internet, with little cost, so we keep the profits.
But like with anything, to succeed you need to invest in yourself and commit to a proven roadmap and strategies that work for others, so that it will work for you too.
Check out the options below to work with us and be part of our positive thriving community.
1. Join our Free Zazzle Designer Community 🙌 🖥 / creativeandambitious
The Creative and Ambitious Entrepreneur Community with Jen and Elke Clarke, Zazzle Expansion Experts 🙌
2. 🖥Subscribe, watch and like our other YouTube Videos on our channel (Thank you)
3. 💰Invest in yourself because free advice on the internet can only take you so far, and imagine what you could do with the right help and guidance 💰 .
Investment Step #1: 💰
The Print on Demand Zazzle Starter Kit™
🖥 Build the needed foundation to start selling on Zazzle . 📈🔥💰
Enroll now
Jen and Elke will show you step by step how to build the proper business foundation in The Print on Demand Zazzle Starter Kit™ to start selling on Zazzle.
Without the right foundation, no business can succeed. Jen and Elke cut through all the noise and help you zero in and do the important things needed to set up your online store to sell on Zazzle, like branding, niche, avatar, products that sell well, how to promote passively, all while building your Zazzle skills and online business skills to start selling on Zazzle consistently.
📈🔥💰The Print on Demand Zazzle Starter Kit™
Investment Step #2: 💰💰💰
The Profit by Design Academy®
🖥 Grow and Scale Your Zazzle Store to Consistent 6-figures 📈🔥💰💰💰
Enroll now:
Once you have set up the foundation of your Zazzle store it’s time to grow your inventory to create a 6-figure income with an online print on demand (POD) business using Zazzle. You do this with the proven Zazzle course and coaching program taught by Jen and Elke Clarke, million dollar Zazzle sellers, that has helped enrollees sell over $80 million on Zazzle
📈🔥💰 💰💰The Profit by Design Academy®
4. Connect with us:
Jen Clarke: / msjenclarke
Elke Clarke: / elkeclarke
5. Work with us including for 1:1 Zazzle coaching
🖥 https://elkeclarke.com
#zazzle #printondemand #passiveincome #zazzletutorial #jenandelkeclarke #makemoneyone #waystomakemoneyonline #ecommerce #shoppingonline #zazzletutorial #zazzleearnings
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