UPSC CSE Prelims 2023 | GS Paper 1 | Question - 45 | Set - A | Answer & Explanation | Rau's IAS

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🎯Download UPSC Prelims 2023, UPSC GS Paper I - Analysis, Answer Key & Solutions
🎯Question 45 : The beginning of the 13th century is marked by the disintegration of the chola and the Chalukya empires. On their ruins emerged four independent kingdoms in this region. There were the Pandyas and the Hoysalas in the south, the Kakatiyas and the Yadavas in the north of this region.
The Gurjara-Pratiharas were wiped off the political map by the Ghaznavids in the early 11th century. After the fall of the Gurjara-Pratihara empire, no single state took its place. Instead, there arose small independent powers like Gahadavalas in Kannauj, Parmaras in Malwa, Chalukyas in Gujarat, Chauhans in Ajmer, Tomars in Delhi, Chandellas in Bundelkhand, etc.
1. Hoysala (10-14th century)
2. Gahadavalas Rulers (11-12th century)
3. Kakatiya Rulers (12-14th century)
4. Yadava Rulers (12-14th century)
🎯Answer - (d)
The beginning of the 13th century is marked by the disintegration of the chola and the Chalukya empires. On their ruins emerged four independent kingdoms in this region. There were the Pandyas and the Hoysalas in the south, the Kakatiyas and the Yadavas in the north of this region.
The Gurjara-Pratiharas were wiped off the political map by the Ghaznavids in the early 11th century. After the fall of the Gurjara-Pratihara empire, no single state took its place. Instead, there arose small independent powers like Gahadavalas in Kannauj, Parmaras in Malwa, Chalukyas in Gujarat, Chauhans in Ajmer, Tomars in Delhi, Chandellas in Bundelkhand, etc.
1. Hoysala (10-14th century)
2. Gahadavalas Rulers (11-12th century)
3. Kakatiya Rulers (12-14th century)
4. Yadava Rulers (12-14th century)
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