Right Decision | A short on right decision | by True and False |

Описание к видео Right Decision | A short on right decision | by True and False |

Islam is not a religion but a complete way of life. It provides guidance and teachings on all aspects of life, including moral values, social responsibilities, economic dealings, political governance, and personal relationships. Muslims believe that Islam is a complete and universal religion, applicable to all times and places.

The Five Pillars of Islam form the foundation of a Muslim's life, and include:

1. Shahada ( declaration of faith)
2. Salah (prayer)
3. Zakat (charity)
4. Sawm (fasting)
5. Hajj (pilgrimage)
6.Jihad (Struggle to destroy evil plans)

In addition to these pillars, Islam teaches its followers to lead a righteous life, with values such as:

- Tawhid (oneness with God)
- Risalah (prophethood)
- Ma'ad (hereafter)
- Adl (justice)
- Ihsan (excellence)

Islam also provides guidance on various aspects of life, including:

- Personal hygiene and purification
- Diet and food habits
- Marriage and family life
- Business and financial transactions
- Education and knowledge
- Social justice and compassion

Overall, Islam is a way of life that aims to bring individuals closer to God and to create a harmonious and just society.

We the True and False team heartly welcome you to be watching us and to establish the deen (Islam)



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