4 Digits 3 Inch Led Crossfit Digital Clock/ interval timer/ countdown/up timer/TABATA/ stopwatch

Описание к видео 4 Digits 3 Inch Led Crossfit Digital Clock/ interval timer/ countdown/up timer/TABATA/ stopwatch

Clock: 12-hour/ 24-hour HH:MM time display.
Countdown timer: Programmable, max countdown from 99:59. Format: Dn MM: SS.
Count up timer: Programmable, max count up to 99:59. Format: UP MM: SS.
Interval timer: Programmable workout time, rest time and rounds, up to 99 rounds. Like HIIT, EMOM, MIIT.
TABATA: Pre-programmed interval timer, 8 rounds of 20 seconds workout and 10 seconds rest.
Fight Gone Bad timer: Pre-programmed interval timer, 3 rounds of 5X1 minute workout and 1 minute rest.
Stopwatch: Count up from zero up to 99 minutes 59 seconds and 99 hundredths of a second.
10SEC: After it is turned on, the mode will count down 10 seconds of preparation time, accompanied by a beep (the last 3 seconds)


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