Carbon Vanes Replacement|SlavicBeauty Milker

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MUSIC BY: Kevin MacLeod
VIDEO BY: Vasilisa Vasileva

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How to replace carbon vanes on SlavicBeauty milker pump

If the carbon vanes are damaged or worn out, the pump will halt (stop working)

It is important to replace the vanes every 6-12 months depending on how often you use the unit.

Open the pump cover using the screw driver.

Take the vanes out

Put the new vanes in paying attention to the right side. The video shows the WRONG SIDE and the RIGHT SIDE

Now you will have to make sure that the vanes are fitted perfectly. You will need a sheet of sand paper.

Open the bucket lid, so the vacuum does not collect in the unit

Put sandpaper against the vanes and hold it with the lid

Turn the unit on, let the sand paper polish the vanes a bit and turn the unit off

Check if the vanes are leveled with the pump surface. They should not stick out , otherwise the pump will not work

If the vanes are fitted perfectly, close the pump lid the same way as before

You can now use the milker again


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