NBA 2K24: PS5 vs PS4 Comparison | Face, Graphics & Gameplay | Next Gen vs Current Gen

Описание к видео NBA 2K24: PS5 vs PS4 Comparison | Face, Graphics & Gameplay | Next Gen vs Current Gen

NBA 2K24 VS NBA 2K23 Face Comparison -    • NBA 2K24 vs NBA 2K23 (PS5) Face Compa...  
NBA 2K24: All Players With Multiple Hairstyles -    • NBA 2K24: NBA Players With Multiple H...  

Here is the ultimate comparison of NBA 2K24 between PS5 and PS4 or Next Gen and Current Gen. The comparison shows the difference in the colors of Courts, Jerseys, Other Graphics, Gameplay, Finals Celebration, Proplay Jumpshots, Legend Players, WNBA, Rookies, Faces and More.
0:00 - Menu
0:20 - Graphics
2:25 - Rookies
3:04 - Legends
3:43 - WNBA
4:10 - Finals Celebration
5:29 - Faces
13:02 - Pro-Play Jumpshots
13:28 - Gameplay Comparison

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Psalm Trees - Cafe Finale - Remix by Psalm Trees
C Y G N - Beautiful
Anno Domini Beats - God Fury



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