Odecha Ki Anitani

Описание к видео Odecha Ki Anitani

Kol Rinah, the Jewish Chorale of Westchester, sings Odecha Ki Anitani (Psalm 118:21-24) by Salamone Rossi. Our conductor is Benjamin Gruder. Recorded live at Congregation Sons of Israel, Briarcliff Manor on June 16th, 2024.
Lyrics and translation:
Ok'cha ki anitani vat'hi li lishu'a.

Ehven ma'asu habonim hayta l'rosh pinah.

Mei'eit Ad-nai hay'ta zot hi niflat b'eineinu.

Zeh hayom asa Ad-nai, nagila v'nism'cha vo!

I praise You, for You have answered me, and have become my salvation.

The stone that the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone.

This is the Lord's doing; it is marvelous in our sight.

This is the day that the Lord has made - Let us rejoice and be glad in it!


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