Hundred Bagger Secrets: Build a Long-Term, Concentrated Portfolio

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Get started with building your hundred bagger portfolio:

Mark Yusko, founder of Morgan Creek Capital Management, has put forth a simple framework for portfolio management.

He has suggested investors consider dividing their capital into three buckets: one for current expenses, one to stay rich, and one to get rich.

Investments targeting hundred baggers would be in the "get rich" part of the portfolio.

Remember, this is a small part of one's overall portfolio; Yusko recommends 10-15% for getting rich, and hundred baggers may only be one part of that.

The get rich bucket benefits from taking advantage of two key concepts that assist in wealth accumlation.

First is a long-term outlook.

Research has shown that investments that take more time tend to offer a higher annualized return on average. Hundred baggers certainly fit in this category.

Second is a concentrated portfolio.

Concentration increases the potential for high returns as well as high losses, so it should be done carefully and only with capital that can tolerate that risk.

Sixjupiter's hundred bagger service helps you build a portion of your get rich portfolio that follows these two key concepts.

Our monthly emails give you up to 3 stocks our artificial intelligence has detected as having hundred bagger potential.

In many instances, the recommendations will be the same from month to month. For those operating on a monthly budget, this is an indication to continue building a position in those stocks.

A portion of the email is also dedicated to stocks that were once on the hundred bagger trajectory but have since wandered off, and thus may warrant being sold.

To learn more and get started, visit


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