4 week ending 04 08 23

Описание к видео 4 week ending 04 08 23

Been a warm one this week, that is for sure and it looks as if it is set to continue for a day or two as well.

With Cool Hand Luke on holiday King Kev was left to finish the irrigation pipe work at Stratford Racecourse. The important part of fitting and welding the hydrant and flange was done without hassle so he spent the rest of the time backfilling, fitting a new chamber and tidying up. A good job done and a very happy client as in this heat it could not have come at a better time.

Boss Man Chris, Brother Paul and Dillybob went draining to finish off the deep drain near Snitterfield and before you could say “where to next” had moved to the other side of Stratford.

This job is some good old standard drainage job and all was looking good. Pipe on site, machines ready to go then a last-minute change of plans meant that we now have to cross a high pressure gas pipe!! Bugger!! A few phone calls later and we find out our main gas pipeline man is on holiday so have to deal with the main office. I start whimpering as sometimes this can be more painful than a papercut but not on this occasion thankfully. When I first spoke to their office I swear I heard giggling then full blown laughter when I said” I need an engineer today (Wednesday) or tomorrow”. Anyway once the operator had calmed down and took some details Boss Man Chris had a call saying that they will be with us on Monday so only stopped for a few days on site, which is pretty good all things considered.

This meant that I knew that Boss Man Chris would be about so I thought it would be a good time to catch up on some paperwork. . . have you ever tried to bath a dog that does not like being bathed? I only say this as sometimes this is what it is like trying to get the boss to stay in the office long enough to sort out the “boring” side of the job! You just know that he does not really want to be stuck in the office with me rattling on with a million questions, there could be swearing, paperwork will get messed up as he is trying to hide it away before I get the answer to a question. Once its done though you are left with a sense of achievement.

Thanks again to Az and his chaps for still plugging on with the insulated pipework installation and the bits and bobs that go with it. Still doing a dam fine job. Cheers lads.

Boss Man and Kev had a trip back to Stratford racecourse today to have another bash at the drains as they are still backing. Thanks to Stuart Nicholls Waste Disposal for fitting us in a short notice with his jet vac unit. The videos look like they may have it sorted this time.

With the morning spent at Stratford Racecourse it left one thing to do this afternoon. . . King Kev to go mowing at our neighbours. Looking good there and it’s a lovely afternoon to be out mowing.

Dillybob has been enjoying this weather again this week, he was a busy little bee on site but as previously mentioned that took a turn. He soon got himself back to the yard and one thing is for sure, for someone who does not like the heat it doesn’t subdue his craving for chocolate digestives or custard creams. On the plus side, the biscuits gave him the energy he needed to service the mowers and make them sparkle ready for the next time they are out.

A bit of a strange patchy week this week and not much on the video front so I thought I would look back and see what we were doing this time 12 months ago.

As always, thank you lads for adapting and cracking on with what is in front of you, it is very much appreciated. Hope you all have something spectacular planned for the weekend and we will see you on Monday to play again. ‘Til then stay safe and stay smiley. 😊


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