Bottom board mite counts 1-24-23. Important notes in description. And sorry about the audio

Описание к видео Bottom board mite counts 1-24-23. Important notes in description. And sorry about the audio

In all likelihood, the number of mites that fell onto these bottom boards were probably dead since the Winter Solstice treatment I performed the month prior. 12-21-22
And the reason they fell during this treatment was simply because of the bees getting agitated from this current treatment on 1-24-23 and either fell off of comb or possibly from some bees. But whatever the case may be, more bottom board counts will start to reveal the effective rate at treating the mites with OAV in the fall and winter time.

I truly consider this a 100% kill rate of mites.

I truly beleive these hives were totally mite free from 12-21-22 until this treatment and then continued on into spring.


00:00 intro
00:40 -10 deg. F
06:00 first count results
06:50 second mite count
08:00 second count results
11:20 3rd mite count
16:30 4th mite count
17:30 5th mite count
17:55 summary of counts


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