{safetyGraphics} Evolution Community driven Development of Innovative New Tools

Описание к видео {safetyGraphics} Evolution Community driven Development of Innovative New Tools


Interactive Safety Graphics (ISG) is a long-standing open-source collaboration between dozens of clinical subject matter experts and technical contributors on a suite of fit-for-purpose, interactive data exploration tools written in R and Shiny. The group’s mission is the evaluation of clinical trial safety in a transparent and non-proprietary manner that encourages partnership and innovation.

As a fully open-source and modular project, {safetyGraphics} has enabled our user community to evolve and expand a standard suite of well-established safety monitoring tools in new - and often unexpected - directions. Over the past year, community-led working groups developed novel tools written in R across a variety of clinical domains including:

• Nephrotoxicity: {nep-explorer}
• Electrocardiography: {qtexplorer}
• Patient profiling: {safetyProfile}
• Adverse event incidence analysis: {volcanoPlot}
• Benefit-risk assessment: {BRForestPlot}

This talk will demonstrate these new tools as part of an integrated deployment of the {safetyGraphics} Shiny app and summarize best practices that led to this robust community collaboration. All tools are available at https://github.com/SafetyGraphics/

Presenter Biography

Spencer Childress, a South Carolina native and North Carolina resident, started as a statistical programmer before moving into other areas of data science, like interactive data viz, analysis pipelines, and exploratory data analysis. His professional principles include data-driven everything, well-organized codebases, and efficient visual design. Outside of office life Spencer enjoys gardening, gaming, and volleyball.


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