元伊勢内宮 八朔祭 弓道奉納  ”Motoise Naiku Hassaku Festival Kyudo dedication”

Описание к видео 元伊勢内宮 八朔祭 弓道奉納  ”Motoise Naiku Hassaku Festival Kyudo dedication”

元伊勢内宮 八朔祭 弓道奉納


”Motoise Naiku Hassaku Festival Kyudo dedication”
The Hassaku Festival is a festival to pray for a good harvest of rice and other grains, and Motoise's Hassaku is the leading autumn festival in the Northern Kinki region. A dedication archery shooting event is held every year. This year, there was also a dedication of Kagura (Shinto music and dance) by the Yotsuji Kagura Shoshichi-kai and dedication of Koto, Shakuhachi, and Japanese dance by the young unit Hana-kyo, and the entire day was filled with lively events.

Translated with DeepL





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