VCV Pluck - New Physical Modelling Module

Описание к видео VCV Pluck - New Physical Modelling Module

Really rough demo with the new VCV Pluck, using three instances of the module. A simple sequence from the Beatstep is recycled with the same notes being used for bass and a pad, plus drums from Unfiltered Audio and granular effects with Arturia EFX Fragments. Sync is a bit dodgy from external sequencing, so I've left all the delay and granular unsynchronised for a wonky feel.
I like Pluck, and I think the sounds are good but it's not as experimental as I'd hoped, and also you can't use it as a resonator for external audio. Stay tuned for a tutorial on my own homebrew approach to physical modelling, which uses noise, delays/filters and feedback for some really interesting sound design.


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