Audio Amplifier 50W Using Tip41 and Tip42

Описание к видео Audio Amplifier 50W Using Tip41 and Tip42

In this video I have made a 50W audio amplifier using a pair of tip41 (npn), tip42 (pnp). The sound quality of the circuit is audible, but because it is recorded with the phone's mic, please wear headphones.
Components included in the circuit:
2 Transistor tip41 tip42
2 Transistor C1815
1 Transistor A1015
Resistor 6,8K 15K 47K
Capacitor 16v1uf 16v1000uf
2 Diode 1N4007
Potentiometer 10K
Circuit uses power supply 12V
Schematic please download at here:


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