500- I wake Each Morn

Описание к видео 500- I wake Each Morn

I wake each Morn To a brand-new day
Hymn 500
I awake each morn to a brand-new day,
Singing Hallelujah! as I go on my way,.
For my heart is fixed on this one guarantee:
The Love that is All holds me tenderly.
Tender mercies, oh tender mercies,
Tender mercies are holding me.
Tender mercies, oh tender mercies,
Tender mercies are holding me.
I can walk with Love through the valley of fear,
Singing Hallelujah! O, my Savior is here!
For my empty longing no hope can fulfill,
But Love meets all need and bids want be still.
So no matter the need and no matter the threat,
I'm secure in Your love, no fear, no regret.
Can there be a sweeter comfort, a grace more divine,
Than the thought that Your love is here and is mine?


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