Law Masters in Mediation and Commercial Dispute Resolution Preview

Описание к видео Law Masters in Mediation and Commercial Dispute Resolution Preview

A mediation law masters (LLM) will enhance your prospects of working in the field of dispute resolution. This LLM in Mediation and International Commercial Dispute Resolution isn't your ordinary mediation LLM.

The Masters in Mediation offered by Russell Group member, Newcastle University Law School, offers you the chance to learn from the very best in the field of international commercial dispute resolution.

The unique features of this LLM include you can study full time time over 1 year or part time across two years and do so from anywhere in the world as this LLM has specifically been designed for online study. You'll also be eligible to apply for one of many scholarships on offer in addition can benefit from opportunities to work alongside top flight commercial mediators from elite mediation chambers in London and also Singapore.

This LLM also includes and international professional mediation qualification so you'll hit the ground running upon graduation.

Watch the video for more details and if you're interested in learning more then visit the course page on:

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