我為何要離開香港?我這兩年所經歷的教育界實況 The Reality of the Education Sector over the Past Two Years.(with Eng Sub)

Описание к видео 我為何要離開香港?我這兩年所經歷的教育界實況 The Reality of the Education Sector over the Past Two Years.(with Eng Sub)

(CC English Subtitles)
This time, I want to share my thoughts with you. My wife suggested making this video half a year ago, and I finally got around to it after surviving my busiest and most chaotic first month in a new place. I took the time to organize and put together this video for all those who care about me and my family, as well as those whom I care about. I also welcome those who want to learn about the current state of the education industry to watch it as a reference.

#移民 #教育界 #香港 #寧心舍 #積塵 #粵語
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If you are willing to support me in continuing to make videos, you are welcome to buy me a coffee. For those who want to learn traditional calligraphy, you can become a monthly member. Thank you.
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