Why Celebrity “Activism” Doesn’t Work

Описание к видео Why Celebrity “Activism” Doesn’t Work

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This video is intended to be a dialogue between you and I on the dichotomy of escapism and activism. Celebrity culture and pop culture are the primary example used to represent escapism, as they are widely viewed as means of entertainment & escape. I want to explore the relationship between entertainment and advocacy and whether or not celebrities should be called on to speak out. This is the first of many conversations we will have on the matter, so please sound off in the comments.

Resources to Help Humans :
Operation olive branch:
World Central Kitchen:
Doctors Without Borders:
Donate to FOTC:
Palestine Children Relief Fund
National Alliance on Mental Illness
miracle of love
World Health Organization
P4H Global
The CHF Foundation
National Black Justice Collective.
Anseye pou Ayiti
MIT Ayiti
Sonje Ayiti
Pou Bèl Ayiti
The Asian American Foundation (TAAF)
Avivva Enterprise
High Hopes for Haiti
Grown in Haiti


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