Candida albicans infections

Описание к видео Candida albicans infections

Candida as a pathogenic fungus
Fungal infections are an often over-looked pathogen that can be deadly. In the video I'll introduce the pathogen Candida albicans touching on the different ways it can infect people, how it can be deadly and how we treat it. 

Learning objectives 

Understand the deadly nature of fungal infections
Describe the dimorphic nature of Candida albicans
 ‣      Explain which situations it forms each morphology
Describe pseudomembranous Candida albicans infections
Explain the Candida albicans biofilm: what is it made of and what does it do?
Describe how Candida albicans acquires its nutrients and how this leads to pathology and candidemia
Describe candidemia and candidiasis
Explain how Azoles work with a particular focus on the principle of selective toxicity


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