Home Visiting in Community Health Nursing - Simplified.

Описание к видео Home Visiting in Community Health Nursing - Simplified.

I. Introduction
 Home Visiting is the back bone of Community health services.
 It requires
– Technical skills
– Knowledge of preventive & therapeutic
- Teaching ability
– Judgment…
- Understanding human relations
II. Definition
Home visit is defined as “the process of providing the nursing care to patients at their doorsteps. It requires technical skills, resourcefulness, judgment and relationships”.
III. Objectives
1. To obtain information for family assessment.
2. To get acquainted with the family.
3. To begin a relationship of continuing assistance in the family health and health related
IV. Purposes
1. To carry out simple nursing procedures.
2. To prevent diseases.
3. To promote the health of family members.
4. To conduct as a part of family Planned visiting programme.
- Antenatal period
- Postnatal period
5. To investigate source of an infectious disease.
6. To assess Nutritional status,
Immunization status,
Environmental hazards etc.
7. To give health education
8. For follow up and care for continue treatment and surveillance
E.g. TB cases,
Leprosy cases etc.
9. To supervise & guide health workers.

V. Principles of Home Visiting
1. Need Based - According to the needs of the family.
2. A part of planned visiting programme.
3. A purpose and Objective
4. Collection of fact
- Collects background information
- Family in particular,
- Community in general.
5. Identify health problems of the family.
6. Use safe technical skills and Scientific nursing procedures.
7. Approach – Kind, courteous, sympathetic and respective
8. Family involvement
– Involve whole family
9. Health education - scientific, clear, sound, and only needed and important.
10. Evaluate the work. i.e., quality is more important than quantity.
11. Records - Family folder, Individual health record etc.

VI. Steps of Home Visit. / Aspects / Components / Phases /
Process of Home visit.
A. Initial Phase
B. Pre-Visit Activities
C. During Visit Activities
D. Termination Phase
E. Post – Visit Activities
A. Initial Phase
a. Clarifies the sources / Reasons for HV
b. Make the Purpose and objective of visits
c. Prepare the Schedule
B. Pre-visit activities
1. Making Survey & preparation of Area map
2. Identify the families in need of home visiting
C. During Home Visit - Activities
1. Self Introduction by the community health nurse
2. Observation - inside and outside the home
3. RCH / Maternal and Child Health
4. Any illness in the family
5. Plan of action.
6. Implementation
D. Termination phase
• When C H nurse - clients goals are achieved
• Changes of residence
• Transfer / Reference of the client.
E. Post-visit activities
1. Recording and Reporting ( Family folder)
2. Follow up.
• The most important part of home visit
• To find out how far the instruction given were followed and
• To give credit for what they have done.
• Discuss the problems with health team
• Analyze the activities & resources
• Prepare the plan for next visit
3. Evaluation
a. Try to evaluate what has been achieved against the goals.
b. How far the visit has been useful
c. What have been the difficulties,
d. What more needs to have done.
e. Review each family records periodically.

In short….
1. Facts findings
2. Data finding
3. Planning action with individual or family.
4. Action and health education
5. Follow up
6. Evaluation of services

VII . Essential Equipment required for Home Visit
1. Community Nursing Bag
2. Family folders
3. Health education materials (FC)
4. Aneroid B.P Apparatus
5. Weighting machine
6. Baby weighting machine
7. Any Kit (special Kits)
8. Infantometer
9. Paper, Pencil & pen

VII. Advantages
1. Permits to see family & home situation
2. Family members are more relaxed
3. Permits realistic teaching in actual situation
4. Opportunity to contact with other members
5. Family gains confidence & free to ask questions
6. Opportunity to assess health problems

IX. Disadvantages
1. Time Consuming
2. Not possible Extensive care
3. Disputes and Disinterest
4. Lack of equipment and Resources

X. Role & Functions of Community Health Nurse in Home Visit.
1. Assessing & Recording history of family
2. Treatment and care ( medication as per standing order)
3. Demonstration of nursing procedures
4. Health education ( Incidental and planned)
5. Supervision and guidance
(Nursing procedures by family members, & Health workers)
6. Encouraging self care
7. Making Referrals / Planning to carry client to hospital
8. Counseling the family..
9. Documentation
- Recording and reporting
- Family folder,
- individual health card,
- Home Visiting register
Thank you.
Prof. Reginold Michayel. D


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