Final Fantasy XIV Vet Starts Over - Part 6

Описание к видео Final Fantasy XIV Vet Starts Over - Part 6

I'm a former 1.0 player (not Legacy) and have been playing FFXIV since closed beta on PS3. I have an uninterrupted subscription since launch (almost 4000 days) and over 10,000 hours of play time on my main account. I've recently fallen out of love with the game and have decided to start a new character on a world of strangers without my FC or friends to see if I can fall back in love with the game I have been playing for the last almost 11 years.

It will mainly be a solo playthrough, as much as I possibly can. I have bought a job skip potion but will not be buying a story skip. I will play as the main job from each expansion as I progress.


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