From the city to the house: Aghaqarbun and the story of buying an electric motor and iron

Описание к видео From the city to the house: Aghaqarbun and the story of buying an electric motor and iron

Agha Qarbun, a nomad, decides to travel to the city to meet his family's needs and improve life in his nomadic area. This nomadic area, which is far from urban facilities, caused his family to face problems such as lack of electricity. Aghaqarboun decides to travel to the city with the aim of buying an electric motor to provide lighting and energy in his home. He knows that this device can solve many of their daily problems and make their lives easier.

In this trip, Aghaqarboun is also thinking of buying some iron to strengthen and build his house. Living in nomadic areas requires a strong and safe house, and Aghaqarboun decided to build a stronger house using iron. His trip to the city is not only to buy an electric motor, but also to procure iron and other items needed to improve their nomadic living conditions.

Upon entering the city, Aghaqarboun searches for the best electric and iron engine he needs in the midst of the city's hustle and bustle. Although this environment is unfamiliar to him, his determination to make his family's life better makes him more determined. Finally, after buying these things, he returns home, where his family is eagerly waiting for his return to give life in the nomadic area a new flavor with these new facilities.

These events show the efforts and strong will of nomadic people who, despite being far from urban facilities, do not give up any effort to improve their living conditions and are always looking for ways to progress and prosper.



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