Sviatoslav Richter plays Beethoven Piano Sonata no. 31 op. 110 - video 1991

Описание к видео Sviatoslav Richter plays Beethoven Piano Sonata no. 31 op. 110 - video 1991

Sviatoslav Richter playing Beethoven's Piano Sonata no. 31, op. 110, live at the Pushkin Museum as part of the December Nights in 1991. He was 76 at the time, and remains one of the most beautiful people in the world. The man in the picture being commemorated was actor and reader Dmitri Zhuravlyov.

Святослав Рихтер - Людвиг ван Бетховен - Соната для фортепиано № 31 - Дмитрий Журавлёв


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