[號外] GEN03 一歲啦!生日快樂!!!!!

Описание к видео [號外] GEN03 一歲啦!生日快樂!!!!!

GEN03 一歲啦!生日快樂!!!!!




🤝 同本地人分享:今年我地有機會喺唔同既社區入面演出,無論喺街頭表演、音樂會定係其他活動,我地都希望可以用音樂感染大家,更希望同本地社區打成一片,用音樂為更多人服務

🌟 繼續傳承廣東歌既文化:我地一直身體力行努力將廣東歌傳承落去,令呢個屬於我地咁獨特既符號得以生生不息

🎤 Line up 唔同既團體:喺過去一年,我地有幸同唔同嘅團體同音樂人合作,多謝你地既信任同支持,希望未來多既機會合作!



GEN03’s First Anniversary!

It's been a year since we officially formed on July 20th! Time has flown by, and throughout this year, we've experienced so much and received tremendous support and encouragement from all of you. We'd like to say a few words:

In the past year, we

🎵 Released our first single: “Manchester Musings At Dawn.” We're thrilled to share the music we created with our own hands, hoping that when you listen to it, you can feel our passion and dedication. We also hope our music can lift your spirits whether you're happy or feeling down.

🤝 Shared with the local community: This year, we've had the opportunity to perform in various community settings. Whether it was street performances, concerts, or other events, we aimed to touch everyone with our music and integrate with the local community, using music to serve more people.

🌟 Continued to uphold the Cantonese music culture: We've been actively working to preserve and promote Cantonese music, ensuring this unique symbol of our identity continues to thrive.

🎤 Collaborated with different groups: Over the past year, we've had the privilege of working with various groups and musicians. Thank you all for your trust and support, and we look forward to more collaborations in the future!

None of these memorable moments would have been possible without your support and love. We'll keep striving forward!

What would you like to see us do next? Leave a comment below and let us know!

YouTube: GEN03
Facebook: Gen-03
Instagram: gen03_mcr

#GEN03 #UKHKbandsound #poprock #BeyondInTribute #🍎 #gen03 #ukband #hkers #ukbandsound #manchester


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