Ocarina of Time Medley - (Detailed and Abbreviated) History Behind Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Описание к видео Ocarina of Time Medley - (Detailed and Abbreviated) History Behind Super Smash Bros. Brawl

PLEASE READ THIS DESCRIPTION (and preferably my replies and what I've replied to in the comments.)

When I first started working on this video, I wasn't sure how I wanted to present it. Basically, I could go the full nine yards (such as explaining the purpose of the ocarina songs used in the arrangement, play original background music tracks all the way through, etc.), OR I could just simply have ONLY the music pieces used in the arrangement for the "original" segments. Both ways have their pros and cons and I'm sure some people would prefer one over the other. (The longer "detailed" method has more background information but lasts long, so it is not the best for juxtapositioning. The "abbreviated" method is better for juxtapositioning, but much information is left out.)

So after thinking about it, I decided to do both. With that being said...


DETAILED HISTORY [15min, 41sec] (includes cutscenes, detailed info, learning ocarina songs and full original songs): 0:00

ABBREVIATED HISTORY [5min, 34sec] (not including cutscenes, learning ocarina songs, full original songs or explanations via text [but includes new original clips]) : 15:43

The entire track played together: 21:17

I use different original clips for the most part in the abbreviated history. I did this for two reasons for those that watch both "histories." First, it shows other places and other uses for the ocarina songs. Second, it helps keep the watcher from getting bored.


With that now out of the way, I'd have to say that this track was put together in a weird way in my opinion. For example, some of the pieces in Ocarina of Time Medley are based on original background tracks, ocarina songs or are a mixture of both. Some of the arranged pieces are overlapped while the other pieces have "filler" thrown in between. (If an arranged piece transitions into something you don't recognize from an original clip, it's probably "filler.") One arrangement takes from the middle of a background track. Another arrangement is the ocarina version of the full version of a background track, even though the full version was never played on the ocarina.

For one original track, I did not fade the audio out. I played exactly what I perceived to be used in the Brawl arrangement and stopped at that point. So if an original track (Hint: Woods) seems to just suddenly stop, it is because I wanted it to be precise for better comparison.

Anyway, you get the idea.

At any rate, I'd have to say it was challenging to present the information in a way that didn't make watching the video awkward or seem like it was dragging on too much.

Watch and (hopefully) enjoy.


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