Tibetan Medicine seminars of Dr. Pema Dorjee in Ukraine - Ukrainian Yoga Federation

Описание к видео Tibetan Medicine seminars of Dr. Pema Dorjee in Ukraine - Ukrainian Yoga Federation

a very kind person Dr.Pema Dorjee)

Dr. Pema Dorjee, the world popular doctor of Tibetan medicine, conducted series of seminars in Kiev, Kharkov and Donetsk cities. There were about 1000 participants wanted to know all the mysteries of Tibetan medicine. Organizers of seminars are All-Ukrainian Fund of Health and Ukrainian Yoga Federation. The idea of inviting Dr. Pema Dorjee, the author of many books and articles dedicated to Tibetan medicine, rose not without purpose. Dr. Pema Dorjee (in the recent past he's a general secretary in Tibetan Medicine Institute Men-Tsee-Khang under the Dalai Lama the XIV) has his own special medicine world-view. Main attention he gives not the treatment mostly but disease prevention, healthy way of life and conscious attitude to own body and psychological state.
Ukrainian Yoga Federation and All-Ukrainian Fund of Health have such an interest in prevention and treatment methods of Tibetan medicine because of deep interconnection between Tibetan medicine and Yoga and also Indian medicine - Aurveda. На семинарах особое внимание было уделено психосоматике (взаимосвязи физического тела и психики), которая становится все более актуальной не только для тибетской медицины, но и для медицины классической.
The audience found important practical contribution of these seminars by Dr. Pema Dorjee in study of Tibetan medicine system, its principles and medical methods in the context of Yoga and medicine as a science.


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