Pokemon Platinum Battle Frontier - The Battle Hall (Silver and Gold Prints)

Описание к видео Pokemon Platinum Battle Frontier - The Battle Hall (Silver and Gold Prints)

Playlist:    • Pokemon Platinum - 100% Pokedex Video...  

Disclaimer: All Pokemon used in these videos are edited using pokegen to save time.

Welcome to the Battle Hall! In this Battle Facility, you'll fight with just one Pokemon, and your goal will be to defeat 10 of each of every type of Pokemon in the game. There's a lot of luck involved here... which Pokemon will you get? Will you randomly get an unwinnable situation? Will you screw yourself over without realizing? Even the boss's Pokemon is randomized. Come with a Pokemon that you know can win most potential matchups in a 1v1, like Garchomp or Salamence. You can even prepare multiple of the same Pokemon for different situations, or change your Pokemon along the way. As long as the species is the same, you can continue the streak.

Win 50 battles in a row to get the right to challenge the Hall Matron, Argenta, for the silver print. Then win every single possible fight for the right to challenge her again for the gold print.

0:00 Intro, and Electric and Water 10th battles
7:36 Grass and Ice 10th battles
10:04 Hall Matron Argenta (Silver)
12:42 Normal, Fighting, and Rock 10th battles
16:22 Dragon, Bug, and Ghost 10th battles
21:03 Dark, Psychic, and Flying 10th battles
24:34 Poison and Fire 10th battles
27:25 Hall Matron Argenta (Gold)


All footage in the video is played, recorded and edited by me.
Follow me on twitter:   / hawelo92  


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