Missing Values Imputation - Complete Case Analysis Theory | Data Preprocessing | Machine Learning

Описание к видео Missing Values Imputation - Complete Case Analysis Theory | Data Preprocessing | Machine Learning

Hi Everyone,

In this video, I have talked about complete case analysis- one of the missing values techniques.
Note: It is a lecture series on missing values, variable encoding, outlier detection, and standardization techniques.
So please support my work by subscribing to my channel.

Notebooks : https://github.com/100ravp/Missing-Da...
dataset : https://www.kaggle.com/c/house-prices...

YouTube Channel:    / dsnovice  
Books: https://drive.google.com/folderview?i...
Blog: https://www.datasciencenovice.com/
GitHub: https://github.com/100ravp
Telegram: https://t.me/datasciencenovice

Check out my other playlist:
1) Deep Learning with TensorFlow
   • 01- Artificial Neural Network | Deep ...  

2) Hands-On with OpenCV
   • Introduction to Course | Hands-On wit...  

3) Image classification with Keras
   • Convolutional Neural Networks | Deep ...  

4) Fake News Detection
   • Part-1|Machine Learning Project in Py...  

5) Data Science Project
   • Boston Housing- Linear Regression Pro...  


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