Circuit Bent Hing Hon EK-001

Описание к видео Circuit Bent Hing Hon EK-001

Finally got a video of this up there!
This one was an opus, had several on the go to work out all the details, especially concerning how to mount the controls in a way that looked the business. Definitely my most ambitious solo device! Lots of weird drones, distorted beats and other unnameable things come from this thing. A firm favourite over here.

Added Features

Amplifier Voltage Starve
CPU Voltage Starve
3 Amplifier Touch Points
3 Pitch Bending Touch Points
Pitch Knob & Disable Switch
Envelope Length Knob
Envelope/Hold Select Switch
Distortion Knob
Fizz Knob
High Pass Knob with 2-way Selector Switch
Feedback Knob with 2-way Selector Switch
2 Way Glitch Switch (acts as a strange feedback with the snare drum)
8 Instrument Hold Switches
1/4" Input Jack Socket
1/4" Output Jack Socket

[email protected]


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