The Hardest Possible Spelunky Run: Post-run Commentary

Описание к видео The Hardest Possible Spelunky Run: Post-run Commentary

--Spelunky HD Haunted Max Pacifist Chain No% Eggplant Seeded Completion Showcase
No commentary version:    • Haunted Max Pacifist Chain No% Eggpla...  

This is a commentated showcase video of an seeded, unsegmented, human-performed run of the hardest possible category in Spelunky (without mixing multiple item-holding categories). This was a project worked on by myself and Gary (gareb3ar/madebygare).

This run uses carefully curated seeds per-level to be completed, though this method of seeding is the standard for the game anyway, and could someday be manipulated with TAS tools to force certain seeds without editing values in-game.

The requirements for this run are:
Cannot collect items except for those listed below.
Complete the Black Market and get the Ankh.
Use the Ankh to receive the Hedjet.
Obtain the Sceptre.
Complete the City of Gold and get the Book of the Dead.
Cannot use any weapons, including the Sceptre, except to open the City of Gold.
Cannot take any damage, except to activate the Ankh.
Cannot use any bombs or ropes.
Cannot collect any money.
Cannot kill anything, including both bosses.
Complete the Haunted Castle.
Complete the Worm.
Complete the Mothership.
Strike Yama with an Eggplant and defeat him.

If you would like to play this set of levels yourself, you can!
1. Install HD Toolbox:
2. Navigate to the Specs tab and hit launch while Spelunky is running.
3. In game, open the Mods menu and tick the "Seeded" box.
4. Click "Add Level Seed" to show the Import/Export box.
5. Copy the seed code below and paste it into that box.

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