Flowers on the Stage: Noh Costumes, 能装束, nō shōzoku, Nō Costumes

Описание к видео Flowers on the Stage: Noh Costumes, 能装束, nō shōzoku, Nō Costumes

Flowers on the Stage: Nō Costumes, 能装束, nō shōzoku is the second in a series of documentaries that delves deeply into a particular aspect of Japanese nō theatre. Nō dates back to the 14th century and is one of the oldest continually performed theatrical traditions in the world. An integral element of nō are the costumes that the performers wear. Nō Costumes reveals the beauty of nō costumes as it examines how they are made, their history, the different types of costumes worn in a performance, the different ways they are worn, and some of the meanings of what is worn. The handwoven silk brocades frequently worn by the shite, the principal performer in a nō, are some of the most beautiful and sublime textiles in the world and Nō Costumes will provide you a window into how they are made and worn.

English closed captioning and Japanese subtitles available. 英語字幕と日本語訳付

「能」をいろいろな角度から追及するドキュメンタリーシリーズの第2弾、「Flowers on the Stage: Nō Costumes, 能装束, nō shōzoku」です。能は14世紀に始まり、現在する最古の伝統舞台芸術の一つです。能に不可欠な要素は、演者が着る装束です。ドキュメンタリー「能装束」は、装束の作成過程、その歴史、演目によって異なるタイプの装束、装束の身に着け方の違い、何を身に着けるかを選択する意味、などを掘り下げながら、能装束の美学を追います。主役のシテがまとう手織りの絹金襴は、世界でも類を見ない荘厳美な織物です。ドキュメンタリー「能装束」は、その装束がいかに作られ、着用されるかを紹介する映画になっています。

34:05 — 11,000; 38:54 — sometimes; 59:09 — Kitazawa Hideta; 59:13 — Bloomsburg.


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