bill payment via billdesk (Exposed)

Описание к видео bill payment via billdesk (Exposed)

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#HDFC Credit Card Bill Payment online with BillDesk payment Gateway
#SBI credit card bill payment online
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BillDesk, a property of Ltd. was conceived in early 2000 to solve the frustrations of most of us when it comes to paying bills. We have created BillDesk to help consumers like us leverage on the potential of electronic medium to better organise and manage our payments, while escaping some of the pitfalls of traditional bill payment services.
At IndiaIdeas we believe that the Internet is a powerful medium that will very soon graduate from being an engaging pastime to an indispensable and ubiquitous home tool, bringing with it, for consumers like us enormous benefits and convenience.

Take, for example, the monthly chore of paying bills - starting right from receiving them, sorting them, remembering to pay them on time, writing out the cheques, standing in queues and paying them, storing the receipts and finally toting up the amounts to figure just how much of our salary has been spent. And well, do we know if all your bills have been received and paid? Or are we running up late payment charges, penalties, or possible discontinuation of facilities?

BillDesk was created with a vision of simplifying this very process. With a vision of creating a one-stop destination through which we could make all our payments, at one time, from one location - or better still anytime from any location. A one single destination that keeps track of our bills, informs us of due dates, eliminates the hassle of writing out cheques and standing in queues and gives us the freedom and the ability to pay with just one instruction to our bank.

For your convenience we have published the answers to the most frequently asked questions about the service. You may be able to instantly find the answer to your questions in our FAQ section. If you have further queries or clarifications you can write to us at [email protected]

In respect of the erstwhile Visa Bill Pay (now BillDesk BillPay) service answers to the most frequently asked questions can be found in the BillDesk BillPay FAQ section. If you have any queries or clarifications you can also write to us at [email protected] We look forward to hearing from you.

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