廟宇與神功刺繡 Chinese Temples and Auspicious Embroidery

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Public Lecture: Chinese Temples and Auspicious Embroidery

(Organised by The Chinese Temples Committee in association with the Antiquities and Monuments Office)

Speaker: Mr Wong Kwok Hing (Master of Embroidery)

Embroideries including Shenyi (God’s robe), Yushan (imperial folding fan), Hengren (a cloth which is rectangular in shape), Changfan (long banner), Taiwei (altar cloth), etc. are commonly found in Chinese temples. Apart from decorative purpose, the embroideries used in auspicious occasions are often regarded as a mean to express reverence to the deities by the worshippers. There are various standards, in terms of colour and pattern, to comply with when respective deities are embroidered. Handmade embroideries with great aesthetic value are seemingly more precious nowadays as the industry is fading. The speaker will use temples which have been declared as monuments or given grading status as examples to illustrate the categories, implications and production of the embroideries found in Chinese temples. The speaker will also give demonstration during the lecture.

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