Pokemon Lunatic Crystal v1.6 - Gym Leader Clair

Описание к видео Pokemon Lunatic Crystal v1.6 - Gym Leader Clair

This is it! The final Gym Leader of Johto, Clair is here and she will be one of the toughest fights you will have faced up to this point.

As a Dragon type user, Pokemon of her speciality will have very few weaknesses, namely only two: Ice and Dragon, add the fact that all of her Dragon types are equipped with a 120 Power STAB Outrage, have good coverage, high stats and are backed up by two wild cards and you have yourself a massive challenge.

Clair's team consists of Kangaskhan, Ampharos, Meganium, Charizard, Dragonite and Kingdra. All of her Pokemon are powerful, cover for a large amount of types and are a good mix of power, speed and bulk.

Her lead Kangaskhan can be very tough to deal with. It's fast, bulky and has a good Attack Stat, if you're slower you can be in for a really rough time. STAB Body Slam, boosted by Pink Bow does solid damage and can paralyze, Swagger can be deadly as confusion and a +2 Attack boost can deal massive damage, it has Submission to counter Steel and Rock types and Shadow Ball to counter Ghost types. Your best bet is to use a strong fighting type, with a Miracleberry equipped just in case.

Ampharos is up next. Ampharos is now a Electric/Dragon type in this hack, hence why it appears here. With a great Special Attack stat as well as Thunderbolt and Outrage both being STAB, Ampharos can deal a massive amount of damage and the low speed stat won't always matter as this one has a held Quick Claw. It also has Thunder Wave to paralyze you and Fire Punch for coverage. The best answer here is a ground type or an Ice type, but be careful of Quick Claw Outrage as it can hit very hard, and a lot of the time OHKO with a crit.

Meganium is Grass/Dragon so Fire type attacks will no longer be super effective, it's also 4x resistant to Water and Electric attacks. It can put you to sleep with Sleep Powder, recover with Synthesis and hit with a combination of Giga Drain and Outrage. A held MiracleBerry means that Meganium will be cured out of any status condition, that includes the self-inflicted confusion from Outrage. Meganium is a good wall but it has a glaring 4x weakness to Ice so try to exploit that.

Charizard is the sweeper of the team with Swords Dance. At +2 STAB Sky Attack will deal a lot of damage and it also has Earthquake for coverage against Electric and Rock types. It also has Flamethrower as a special option. The scary thing is that this Charizard has a held Quick Claw so it can go first even if you outspeed and if bad luck this Charizard can tear through teams after it sets up. Still it has a 4x Rock Weakness, so Aerodactyl can resist all the attacks it has and KO it with Rock Slide, a fast Water type can also OHKO Charizard with a super effective move.

Dragonite is one of the two strongest Pokemon Clair has. As a Pseudo Legendary Dragonite has some of the highest stats in the game, with great offensive stats in both Attack and Special Attack. It can pick off tired teams with a priority Extremespeed, hit hard with Earthquake, deal massive damage with a STAB Outrage as well as having Hydro Pump for coverage. A KO isn't guaranteed here either as Clair's Dragonite has a held Foucs Band. Ice moves are a must here.

Kingdra is Clair's final Pokemon. A Water/Dragon typing is one of the best combinations in the game as that leaves it with just one, uncommon weakness to Dragon and with Leftovers and good natural bulk Kingdra can be hard to KO. It has Toxic to badly Poison you, a great STAB combination with Surf and Outrage, as well as Ice Beam for coverage. A good option here is to pick up Outrage from the Blackthorn move tutor, having super effective damage against Kingdra is a massive help. A Pokemon like Blastoise, that resists both of Kingdra's STAB attacks can wall it, try to find a Pokemon that isn't weak to Surf and resists Outrage.

Overall Clair is a very hard fight with a lot of status, hard hitting Pokemon with amazing STAB in Outrage and coverage. An Ice type is a must here, like Delibird, Sneasel or Lapras, a Ground type can deal with Ampharos and a Rock type is great for Charizard, Aerodactyl is fantastic in this fight.


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