[HD] CP 6018, CP 6024, CP 9709 in L'Acadie Qc. (Adirondack SUB, MP.23.32)

Описание к видео [HD] CP 6018, CP 6024, CP 9709 in L'Acadie Qc. (Adirondack SUB, MP.23.32)

Please read the following details:

-Week Day: Saturday
-Month: April
-Day: 3rd
-Year: 2021
-Hour: 13h45
-Time: UTC-5
-Train #: 251
-Kind of Train: Freight
-Direction: Northbound
-Mile Post: 23.32
-Public Road Name: De la Coulée des Pères Road
-Subdivision: Adirondack
-City: Saint-Jean-Sur-Richelieu (L'Acadie)
-Time Table Station: Saint-Jean
-Province: Quebec
-Country: Canada
-CP 6018 (GMD SD40-2)
-CP 6024 (GMD SD40-2)
-CP 9709 (GE AC4400CW)
-Axle Count: 426
-Number of cars: 108
-Weather: Clear
-Multiple Shooting: No
-Important Notes: What a surprise I had to see those back on the Adirondack SUB. Good thing I knew they were coming!/ Want some V16-645E3 Notch 8? Watch en enjoy!


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